This is my written tutorial on WEP wifi cracking using Gerix-wifi-cracker in Backtrack 5 and 5r1.
NOTE--: All words in [ ] are either tabs or buttons we will use in gerix.
1) First off go to applications> exploitation tools> wireless exploitation> WLAN exploitation> gerix-wifi-cracker-ng.
2) Once gerix opens, go to the [configuration] tab.
3)Click on your wlan0 interface.
4) Click on [enable/disable monitor mode]
-gerix will now start a new interface- mon0
5) Click [set random MAC address]
6) Now go down towards the bottom of that same window and find the -channel- drop down menu.
-Find -all channels- and click that
7) Next to that is the -seconds- drop down menu.
-Choose somewhere between 5 and 15
8) Click [rescan networks]
NOTE--: All words in [ ] are either tabs or buttons we will use in gerix.
1) First off go to applications> exploitation tools> wireless exploitation> WLAN exploitation> gerix-wifi-cracker-ng.
2) Once gerix opens, go to the [configuration] tab.
3)Click on your wlan0 interface.
4) Click on [enable/disable monitor mode]
-gerix will now start a new interface- mon0
5) Click [set random MAC address]
6) Now go down towards the bottom of that same window and find the -channel- drop down menu.
-Find -all channels- and click that
7) Next to that is the -seconds- drop down menu.
-Choose somewhere between 5 and 15
8) Click [rescan networks]