Saturday, 4 May 2013

Digital Forensics Tools : VINETTO & PASCO

1      VINETTO

Vinetto is a forensics tool to examine Thumbs.db files.It is a command line python script that works on Linux, Mac OS X and Cygwin(win32).
Vinetto uses the thumbs.db database file. If a windows user select the thumbnail view, a small database file called thumbs.db caches picture information to speed up the viewing of the picture files within a folder, this file changes in windows vista as it is called thumbcache.db instead of thumbs.db.
The Windows systems (98, ME, 2000, XP and 2003 Server) can store thumbnails and metadata of the picture files contained in the directories of its FAT32 or NTFS filesystems. The thumbnails and associated metadata are stored in Thumbs.db files.
Once a picture file has been deleted from the filesystem, the related thumbnail and associated metada remain stored in the Thumbs.db file. So, the data contained in those thumbs.db files are an helpful source of information for the forensics investigator.
Vinetto will help *nix-based forensics investigators to :
  -> easily preview thumbnails of deleted pictures on Windows systems,
  -> obtain informations (dates, path, ...) about those deleted images.
Usage: vinetto [OPTIONS] [-s] [-U] [-o DIR] file
  --version   show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -o DIR      write thumbnails to DIR
  -H          write html report to DIR
  -U          use utf8 encodings
  -s          create symlink of the image realname to the numbered name in
Here are a few examples of how to use the vinetto command :
How to display metadata contained within a Thumbs.db file
    $ vinetto /path/to/Thumbs.db

How to extract the related thumbnails to a directory
    $ vinetto -o /tmp/vinetto_output /path/to/Thumbs.db
How to extract the related thumbnails to a directory and produce an html report to preview these thumbnails through your favorite browser.
    $ vinetto -Ho /tmp/vinetto_output /path/to/Thumbs.db

2      PASCO

Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a subject's internet activity. Since this analysis technique is executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in Internet Explorer activity files (index.dat files). Pasco, the latin word meaning "browse", was developed to examine the contents of Internet Explorer's cache files.
Pasco is a forensic tool for reading the index.dat file that are created by Internet Explorer. Other browser like Firefox and Safari don’t use the index.dat file. The index.dat file leaves traces of a user’s browsing history.
find /mnt/had –name index.dat # to find the index.dat file #
pasco “/mnt/hda/Documents and Settings/baduser/Local Settings/History/History.IE5/index.dat”>/mnt/win/share/forensic/browserhistory.txt # redirecting the index.dat file to a text file #

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